Sunday, March 28, 2010

Childhood Trauma & OCD

Studies have found that anywhere between 4% and 22% of people with Childhood Trauma also have a diagnosis of OCD.

Has something happened that you just can't forget. Were you abused, did someone important die or leave your life, did something tragic happen? What makes you think that you could have OCD.
When I was a Sophomore in High School (Just last year) .. I researched the disorder and I decided to seek help imedia immediately as for I could not overcome it alone. #1. GET HELP.

"Children with OCD rarely get the emotional support that they need, not because their parents are uncaring, but because their parents are as confused and bewildered as they are. The child's confusion may be seen as frustration and anger."

-I believe this is very true. My parents have treated me differently ever since they became aware of my diagnosis. Before the diagnosis by Mother and her Fiancé often got aggressive when arguing with me over doing the dishes (knives) or trying to calm me during a panic attack/anxiety attack. I was so out of control that they even dragged me across a room until I could calm down. This isn't right, If you have had a similar experiences -- seek help from someone you trust to help your family and friends learn about Obsessive Compulsive Teens. They often saw me as an over dramatic teen-aged girl... we're all more than that if suffering from OCD. They have learned that their actions were not suitable for the situation, whether or not I had OCD or not. My parents never completely believed my diagnosis until I saw a new professional who confirmed my diagnosis to be serious.

Has something tragic/dramatic happened to you? Do you feel it "haunts" you and it becomes your excuse for everything... you're not alone. Do you find yourself doing repetitive behaviors? Talk to your primary doctor, if it's serious he/she will recommend you see a professional that suits you.

If you have any questions comment below and I would be happy to answer what ever your wonders are.

O-C-D. What's it mean to me?

Real Definition (wiki) : Obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental disorder characterized by intrusive thoughts that produce anxiety, by repetitive behaviors aimed at reducing anxiety, or by combinations of such thoughts (obsessions) and behaviors (compulsions). The symptoms of this anxiety disorder range from repetitive hand-washing and extensive hoarding to preoccupation with sexual, religious, or aggressive impulses. These symptoms can be alienating and time-consuming, and often cause severe emotional and economic loss. The acts of those who have OCD may appear paranoid and come across to others as psychotic. However, except in young children, OCD sufferers generally recognize their thoughts and subsequent actions as irrational, and they may become further distressed by this realization.

My Definition: Hell.

-I have had OCD traits for as long as I can remember. But -- I was professionally diagnosed June 2009. I have "rituals" that I share with very little people. But it's time to get over this, I'm ready to be OCD "free". My "rituals" or things that clear my mind are common in people who are Obsessive Compulsive. I don't know why I do them -- I just do. Hair pulling is my biggest ritual that I need to stop. I always try to put my mind to it, I can't stop. I have to say I do it for a total of 3 hours a day. Locking my door when I sleep is a MUST. Laundry washing, and cleanliness. I used to never be able to take the top paper in a pile -- I've recently over come that. Lights are a giant issue, Either you have one or the other on in one room with two lights. I don't know why, but it bothers me incredibly. Knives are also a big problem to me, I don't trust myself around them. It's not a phobia, it's a trust problem. It's like standing next to a tiger when I'm near a knife. I could go on and on but those are the majors. If you have some of the same, comment!

What are your rituals?


I'm J.Cronin. I'm not going to start my blog from the very beginning of my life. During the growth of my blog -- my story will be told. Today I've become overwhelmed and decided a blog could possibly be my new venting strategy. I often keep my pain and stress all bottled up inside a bubble until it finally bursts on the wrong person... at the wrong time. I'm ready to grow up -- and I'm ready to make the step to a happier mind set. I'm ready to live the one life I have as who I am. I hope you will read my entries without judgement and listen to what I have to say. If you find anything you do not like with my blog, please just click another blog. This blog strictly prohibits inappropriate language or harsh words against other people. By writing this blog, I hope to find people just like me. Please enjoy! :)